Jan 4, 2009

Haruki Murakami

While on sabbatical I discovered the works of Japanese author, Haruki Murakami. I started with Kafka on the Shore which I enjoyed so much that I searched for more of his work. This week I read After Dark, published in Japan in 2004, and in English in 2007. It takes place between midnight and dawn one day. True to Murakami's style, magic realism plays a role (along with a cat, always a cat somewhere), as well as the themes of isolation. That may not be enough description to make you want to read it, but you might try a few chapters and to see if you find his style intriguing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Charlotte. I always enjoy your recommendations, and though I've seen this author's books, I haven't read any. His work sounds interesting. :-)
